Pinecone Preschool

  • Child Care - Day Care & Preschool
  • Education-Preschool
2901 N King St
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
(928) 526-0072
6:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday

About Us

Pinecone Preschool's mission is not only to provide daycare and childcare in Flagstaff, it is also to provide the families in our community with an early childhood education program. This program read more
  • About

    Pinecone Preschool's mission is not only to provide daycare and childcare in Flagstaff, it is also to provide the families in our community with an early childhood education program. This program develops social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth through creative play and loving instruction in a family environment.