Heath's Auto Service, Inc.

  • Automobile, Motorcycle & Truck-Service
1840 Kaibab Ln.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
(928) 214-8150
(928) 214-8117 (fax)
Monday - Friday 8am-6pm

About Us

We offer state of the Art Computer diagnostics with OE Support and Bi-directional Controls.
We also specialize in four wheel alignment service featuring computerized digital signal processor read more
  • About

    We offer state of the Art Computer diagnostics with OE Support and Bi-directional Controls.
    We also specialize in four wheel alignment service featuring computerized digital signal processor technology by Hunter Engineering Company and leading camera technology by Hoffman.
    We are also proud to offer OE level services by BG products for all of your transmission, cooling system, power steering, fuel injection, and differential service needs.
    Heath's Auto Service, Inc. also provides digital vehicle inspection reports including pictures and video by Bolt On Technology.
    We offer open and clear communication with you as the customer in what is easiest for you-Phone, text, or email