Education Forward Arizona (non-partisan/non-profit) was created to change the way people think about and support education as the key driver to improving the economy and quality of life in Arizona.
Rooted in Community
Education Forward Arizona represents the willingness of people from all parts of the state — those of different races and ethnicities; those from rural, suburban, and urban areas; and those from business, education, philanthropic, nonprofit and other sectors — to work differently, collaboratively and more effectively to create better education opportunities, from early learning through postsecondary attainment.
Our Team
Education Forward Arizona’s team is passionate about ensuring the success of all students in Arizona, especially for low-income and students of color. Our team brings their collective expertise in championing education solutions, mobilizing leaders to take action, helping students pursue and complete a postsecondary credential, and using our voice to advance the goals in the Arizona Education Progress Meter.