Compassus Hospice and Palliative Care

  • Health & Medical Related-Hospice
1030 N San Francisco St
Ste. 230
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
(928) 556-1500
(928) 556-1505 (fax)
24 hours, 7 days a week

About Us

At Compassus, our mission is serving terminally ill patients and their families with Compassion, Integrity, and Excellence. The Colleagues of Compassus are committed to keeping The Hospice Promise by read more
  • About

    At Compassus, our mission is serving terminally ill patients and their families with Compassion, Integrity, and Excellence. The Colleagues of Compassus are committed to keeping The Hospice Promise by delivering the highest quality of care, serving the needs of patients and families and spreading the stories of hospice to those whom they come into contact. Our goal is to provide the greatest possible comfort and care for those who experience one of life’s most intimate and challenging moments.