Best Western Canyon De Chelly Inn

  • Lodging-Hotels & Motels
  • Curio Shop-American
  • Dining
  • Dining-American
100 Main Street
Chinle, AZ 86503
(928) 674-5875
(928) 674-3715 (fax)

About Us

Stay at this 100% non-smoking Chinle, Arizona hotel located minutes away from the picturesque Canyon de Chelly National Monument.

Experience the breathtaking views of the White House Ruins, Spider read more
  • About

    Stay at this 100% non-smoking Chinle, Arizona hotel located minutes away from the picturesque Canyon de Chelly National Monument.

    Experience the breathtaking views of the White House Ruins, Spider Rock, Junction of Canyon de Chelly and Canyon Del Muerto, all located in the Canyon de Chelly National Monument area.